Section: Dissemination


  • G. Ferré gave a talk about statistical physics and its applications to undergraduate students at Lycée Pierre Corneille, Rouen, in November 2017.

  • A. Levitt is a member of the editorial board of Interstices, Inria's popularization website.

  • P. Monmarché gave a talk about mathematics and music to high school students at lycée Pablo Picasso, Avion, in May 2017.

  • P. Monmarché participated to Les Matinales de la Recherche de l'ENPC and presented a poster about his work to the students of ENPC in April 2017.

  • G. Stoltz participated to Les Matinales de la Recherche de l'ENPC and gave a talk about his work to the staff of ENPC in April 2017.

  • G. Stoltz, together with Gilles Buisson (Ecole des Ponts), published a contribution to the proceedings of QPES 2017 (Questions de Pédagogie dans l'Enseignement Supérieur), on his teaching experience involving flipped classrooms organized at the level of a complete class of first year students at Ecole des Ponts. See G. Buisson and G. Stoltz, La classe inversée à grande échelle en école d’ingénieur, Actes du colloque QPES 2017, 633-640.